In Training!

Keeping tabs on what happens in between marathons...

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Week in Review, Week 8: 2/17 - 2/23

And of course Henry the Horse dances a waltz....
Sun: Off
Mon: 3
Tue: 22 x 200meter (the subtitle of this workout could be: how to make a marathon runner respect the 200!) total for day: 7.5
Wed: Fairly intense Yoga workout
Thu: 5
Fri: off
Sat: 20! Felt strong throughout (its all relative strong at 18 miles is different than strong at 8 miles)
Week total: 35
2008 total: 250

Looking back: Tough week even with only four days running. I was sore from the 200's and am feeling pretty dehydrated right now, several hours after finishing my 20 miler. Beautiful day for the 20, too. The backroads of Keene were beautiful after yesterday's snowstorm.

Looking ahead: I haven't. Let me bask in my post 20 mile glow. I saw something on the schedule about sets of 400's with 100 meter recovery, but I don't want to think about that right now.

Fundraising: go to my page and see for yourself! Know, that what is showing is not the full amount.


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