In Training!

Keeping tabs on what happens in between marathons...

Thursday, February 7, 2008

No Treadmills!

I do not like treadmills. I do not like them when it rains, I do not like them when is snows.
I have been forced onto these horrid creations from the underdark several times over the past few weeks largely due to unsafe weather conditions (ice and dark).
While on the treadmill, I listen to my iPod and watch the local morning news stretch into GMA or Today. I am proud that in today's world, all we have to worry about is a has-been pop-starlet trying to soak up as much national attention and narcotics as possible and how a promising young actor's respiration was impeded by a combination of medications. Seriously, this morning, for what seemed to be 4 out of my 6 miles on the treadmill the "news" focused on Britney and Heath. The other 2 miles focused on the weather and recent extreme weather events. The tornado's being actual news. No coverage of the primaries and certainly no international news. I ran SIX miles, which stretched across actual news and into a morning news show. This is why I hate treadmills. Now I am worried about Britney's children. I need to know where she stands on the issues.
Enough of my rant, it does not make too much sense.
Two quick fundraising notes:
1. I noticed that some of the return envelopes went out with 39cent stamps. I asked the post office and they should still get to me, postage due. They don't say 39cents, but I feel like an idiot for not noticing that Liz had stopped using them on the bills.
2. I am staggering the letters, getting about 20-30 in the mail every day or so, depending on how much time I have to stuff the mailers.

ALSO: A HUGE THANK YOU TO TARA W. She is the first "new" donor. Thank you, thank you Tara for your quick response and generous donation.


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