In Training!

Keeping tabs on what happens in between marathons...

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Inspiration on a New Year

First run of 2008: 8 miles in 8 inches of snow. It is a lot easier to track through fresh snow than to try to run in the tracks laid down by the cross country skiers.

The thought going through my head during the run was that the Boston Marathon doesn't get pushed back a day because of snowstorms. I guess it helps that I love snow and cold weather, so running in a snowstorm is kind of like a treat. A little slower going, but motivating.

The other day, during a run, I was thinking about what Dana Farber is and how in some small way, I am doing something good. To try and raise money to fight cancer by running a marathon makes me feel that for once in my life, I am doing something truly good. A good friend has a saying: "At the end of the game, the kings and the pawns get put back in the same box." This is not about being a person among persons, a king among kings. It is about taking the time we have and filling our role to the best of our abilities. When I don't feel like running, or I get anxious thinking "I am sending a fundraising letter to who?" I have to confront myself by asking, what did you do today that is going to make you strong on 4/21/08? How did you train today? and finally, why are you training? The last question is the important one.

Why am I training? Because Dana Farber's finish line is a world without cancer and at Boston, some finish lines just mean more!

Thanks. As always, please donate. (Don't worry, letters will be in the mail by 2/1/08)


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